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Writer's pictureKara M. Zone

Legos and Family Fun (on Friday)!

By now, Mahoning Valley, you are probably getting ready to sit down to dinner (or at least within the next two hours). What will you do with your family after you eat?

Lego Photo from Mental Floss

How about having some family fun with legos tonight? Read below to get a few ideas!

All you'll need is you, your family, and some legos!

How Many Combinations Can Be Built With just Six Legos? (Mental Floss)

Lego Scavegner Hunt (Proverbial Homemaker)

Don't forget about the Lego Zipline too! (Family Fun Friday, MVFC Throwback)


The What's Missing Game (Proverbial Homemaker). Since the title isn't as obvious as the previous ones the directions are simple—Line up a handful of legos of various colors and types and give the kids one minute to examine and memorize them. Then, have the kids close their eyes and take one lego away. Once the kids open their eyes, see who can guess the right answer first (or, have them take turns guessing.)

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Did you have fun with legos today? If you did, share your experience in our comments below, send us pictures at, or come post your photos on our FB page @MahoningValleyFC!

Have a Great Weekend Mahoning Valley!

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